Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Studying and other ramblings.

I'd just like to point out that I thought I had left College in May (or, how the semester turned out December of 2007). Anyways, I have been in a classroom for the past 2 weeks. From 9am till 5:30pm learning Finance topics. Now I am studying for a test in two days.

I guess it is kind of competitive, especially since all the Asians have MBA's and stuff so I need to keep my test scores up there.

Well, that's training for you.

On another note, being in Malaysia I feel like I'm pretty disconnected from all the recent market events. Pretty much all I hear is how everything is going to shit.

Luckily, as the media ignores, Standard Chartered continues to be one of the (if not the largest) bank that continues to profit. So, luckily I still have a job.
Two weeks ago there were 4 large Investment banks. Now there are none.
Time to start thinking differently people! Investment banking is dead pretty much in bulge bracket, it now should be "in" to work for a bank that does investment banking but also has a large consumer banking side for retail deposits, instead of funding their operations on borrowing! There we had to fall sometime I guess.

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