Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Post!

I guess I will explain why I created this...I want to try and stay in touch with people especially after college ended, moving away from friends, family, and others from my past. You now have something to talk about with me...or one more thing at least.

I'll be moving to New York City to start work for Standard Chartered Bank as an International Graduate Associate (GA). I start on September 2 for about 4 days in New York, and then training begins in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for 6 weeks from Sept 7-Oct 17. Then back to New York to begin my rotations through different positions.

I still have to: return to St. Louis to pick up the rest of my stuff (Thank you Marty and Julia for storing it! Nnana for moving it), move to my step-Uncle's house for my first week of work, Kuala Lumpur for 6 weeks training, then finally move all of my stuff to New York City after successfully finding an affordable place in the city hopefully close to friends.

So, it should be a fun time with the traveling and everything my new job will bring me...hence the title "my next step."

Also, if you want to contact me, my cell phone works over there! Just remember the 12 hour time difference.

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